Tuesday, December 21, 2021Auto insurance provides protection for vehicle owners from a wide range of thefts. In some cases, it can cover even small losses you may have, such as damage to the paint. Should you file a claim with your car insurance for paint damage? This depends on the circumstances involved in your case. READ MORE >>
Monday, November 22, 2021Workers compensation insurance, whether it is a legally required type of insurance or one that your business selects because of its financial benefits, is can be an important financial protection. This type of plan can offer financial protection for your business to cover the losses of your employees if they become ill or are injured on the job. READ MORE >>
Friday, October 22, 2021Proper maintenance can be an important part of a business. It helps to ensure your equipment works well. Most people see this as a way of reducing costly equipment breakdowns. However, it can also help reduce workers' compensation insurance claims. How do the two factors relate to each other? READ MORE >>
Monday, September 13, 2021Be Prepared Uh oh, you just got into a fender bender on your way to run a quick errand. What should you do now? Stay calm and read on to learn how to react to make sure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Get out of your vehicle and provide assistance to anyone who is injured. READ MORE >>
Thursday, August 26, 2021Drones are taking the business industry by storm. Drones have a lot of applications when it comes to business, regardless of the industry. If you are using drones, a priority must be to reduce the business risks associated with using them. One way to do so is by using business insurance. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 9, 2021It's easy for people to get in the habit of paying their insurance bills without thinking much about them. After all, it's a rote statement that comes every month that you likely don't even look at. But there's danger in doing taking this approach because a policy was never meant to be a static document. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, June 9, 2021The ability to own a car seems to make life a little sweeter. You have the ability to travel where you want, and you can travel when you want to travel. Although many may grapple about the occasional repair or the need for roadside assistance every now and then, all in all, owning a car makes life a bit easier. READ MORE >>
Friday, May 28, 2021If you own a vehicle on behalf of your business, then both you and your business need to be insured. This means investing in commercial auto insurance, designed specifically to cover vehicles used for business purposes. Business vehicles aren’t immune to accidents. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 22, 2021When you purchase a home insurance policy, you have the option to choose your deductible. A home insurance deductible is how much you will pay out of pocket after a home insurance claim before you receive compensation. If you file a claim, for example, you must pay the amount of your deductible toward repairs before receiving compensation for the remaining damages. READ MORE >>
Friday, March 12, 2021 Defensive driving equals safe driving, and it’s one of the easiest and most important things you can do to keep yourself and others safe when you drive a car. Let’s take a closer look at this idea and consider some of the techniques you can follow to keep yourself secure behind the wheel. READ MORE >>
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