Thursday, December 12, 2024Home Insurance Protects More Than Your Property For many, home insurance is mostly about protecting the home and personal belongings from damage or loss. The liability part of home insurance isn't always given as much careful consideration. This could be in part because people feel that most guests don't sue their hosts. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, July 9, 2024What Does Home Insurance Cover and Exclude? Insurance causes you think about all the bad things that may happen with your home. While it sounds pessimistic to dwell on the occurrences that may or may not take place, thinking about these things keeps you protected when life throws surprises your way. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, August 8, 2023Many people think the best way to save on homeowners insurance is to reduce their coverage, but that could put you in a very bad spot if a covered event occurs. Over two-thirds of American homes are underinsured because of this. Instead of sacrificing valuable coverage, try the following 3 tips for saving on your current coverage: READ MORE >>
Tuesday, April 18, 2023Home insurance is required if you have a mortgage on your home, but that does not mean you can’t find ways to save money on your homeowners insurance policy. Here are several ways you can pay a lower price for great coverage. Ask. You never really know until you ask, right? READ MORE >>
Thursday, October 6, 2022Both new homeowners and veteran homeowners can fall into common pitfalls when it comes to homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance isn’t always straightforward, and mistakes are often made when it comes to coverage and compensation. Make sure you don’t fall into these common mistakes with your home insurance policy. READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 14, 2022Since your house is likely your largest investment, getting the right home insurance is key for protecting your family’s finances. However, just because you need to protect your home doesn’t mean you want to pay a small fortune for insurance. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 14, 2022If you want to know exactly what's up with your home insurance, read your policy and call your agent. There's too much bad information out there that gets passed around and repeated so often that it must be true, but it's not. Here are five of the big ones: Renters Will Be Covered Under the Landlord's Policy READ MORE >>
Friday, January 14, 2022As you take a closer look at your current home insurance policy, you have to ask yourself the hard questions. Is this really enough coverage? Is this going to protect your family in the event that your home is lost? After all, if you have to have homeowners insurance, you want it to be enough to protect you from a variety of risks. READ MORE >>
Friday, July 9, 2021It's easy for people to get in the habit of paying their insurance bills without thinking much about them. After all, it's a rote statement that comes every month that you likely don't even look at. But there's danger in doing taking this approach because a policy was never meant to be a static document. READ MORE >>
Thursday, April 22, 2021When you purchase a home insurance policy, you have the option to choose your deductible. A home insurance deductible is how much you will pay out of pocket after a home insurance claim before you receive compensation. If you file a claim, for example, you must pay the amount of your deductible toward repairs before receiving compensation for the remaining damages. READ MORE >>
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